Sunday, February 25, 2007

WEEK FOUR TARGETS: Do everything in the dark!

This week: use everything you've learned to save as much electricity as possible...which translates to: do everything in the dark!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fact of the Day!

One third of the world's population has no electricity at all.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tip of the Day! brightness

Turning down the brightness level of you computer monitor or laptop screen can reduce power usage by 20%.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Fact of the Day! vampires

Many electronic devices use electricity even when turned of, especially TVs and stereos. These "vampires" draw electricity to power digital clocks and infrared receivers.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Tip of the Day! hot water

Reduce your overall energy use by avoiding using hot water. For example, wash your clothes with cold rather than warm or hot water.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Tip of the Day! elevators

Elevators consume a lot of electricity - about 350 Wh to move from one floor to the next. So next time you're going up a few flights, try walking instead!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Fact of the Day! kilowatt-hours

What is a kilowatt-hour (kWh)?

1 kWh is the amount of energy that is required to run a typical incandescent light bulb (60W) for about 17 hours.

1 kWh is equivalent to 860 Calories, or about one hour of biking or running.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Fact of the Day!

The United States uses 35% more electricity than the entire European Union, but its population is 35% smaller.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Tip of the Day!

Try using task-oriented lighting, such as table and desk lamps, instead of room lighting.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Tip of the Day!

You already know that you can reduce your electricity use by 5% by turning your lights off for five extra hours. Did you know you can also save electricity by hang drying your clothes? Drying one load of laundry in an electric dryer uses as much electricity as running your computer for 24 hours! If you usually use two dryers every time you do your laundry, try hang drying enough clothes to only need one dryer. If you already use only one dryer, try hang drying everything!


TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS WHEN YOU'RE NOT USING THEM. If you don't already use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), buy one next time you're at the hardware store. They use 75% less energy than a regular incandescent bulb and last 10-16 times as long! Although they cost more than incandescents (typically $1 or $2 more), because CFLs last longer they actually save you money, with a pay-back time of 500 hours! (Wikipedia)

Check out the WEEK ONE Information Board (click below to enlarge) to find out the TIP OF THE WEEK:

In honor of this week's light bulb theme, check out the following links:

Wikipedia article on compact fluorescent light bulbs
Energy saving facts about CFLS from Energy Star

NY Times: Walmart to sell 100,000,000,000 CFLs by 2008
"How many light bulbs does it take to change the world? One."
"California may ban conventional light bulbs"
NY Times: "A LIght Bulb Goes On"
The Grist's Umbra Fisk's article: "Just Screw It"

NOTE: If you have a broken CFL please return it to the store you bought it from, or bring it to the Environmental Center (reynolds club basement, room 002a) so it can be disposed of properly.


Following a successful kick-off event, the battle has begun.

Check the information board to find out the ELECTRICITY REDUCTION TARGET, THEME and TIP of the week.

Find your IHC rep so you can sign up to participate. They will give you a door-hanger to indicate your participation. If your IHC rep has nothing to offer you, tell them they need to attend weekly meetings...

...then tell them to go to the Undergraduate Housing Office (located in the Parking Structure) to pick up their packet of materials so you can participate.

May the most efficient dorm win!